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Hygiene Packets

Do you want to make a difference?  Due to all the recent disasters, there is a desperate need.  Many around the USA donated items when the hurricanes, fires, flooding, and tornadoes occurred but now in the second wave there is a desperate need for hygiene kits.  The Convoy of Hope is on the front lines of these disasters.  We at The Bridge are asking our amazing community, businesses, civic groups, and churches to respond.

The list of needs is provided and we ask that our community create hygiene kits (put all supplies for each kit separately in a 2 gallon ziploc bag and drop off filled bags at The Bridge 98 South Main St, Waynesville between the hours of:

10-5 tues, thurs, & fri or

10-8 wed of next week (Sept 14-17.)


We will be shipping the boxes (once we see what we have we will set a date for the community to help pack boxes) If you would like to make a tax-deductible monetary donation to The Bridge to help cover shipping costs, boxes, and for us to purchase more supplies for the hygiene kits you can drop off a check, cash, Venmo, or use PayPal on our website by clicking the "GIVE" at the top of the page.  


Join us in making a difference and showing our neighbors our support as an amazing community.

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